
The excerpts for Book 3 are up!

The excerpts for Book 3-A Warrior’s Penance-are up! Right now, it’s just The Trials So Far (A reminder of all that’s happened so far) and the prologue. However, over the next few months, I’ll release a new chapter a week. That should put us...

The good news and the bad…

For the past few weeks, I’ve been discussing the sale of the audiobook rights to my third book to Audible Studios. Audible Studios is closely affiliated with Audible and owned by Amazon, and they’re one of the largest audiobook publishers in the world....

What I’m doing now…

Waiting on the beta reads, and while I’m doing so, I decided to try my hand at a short story. Something featuring the legendary warrior, Hume. We’ll see how it goes. And hopefully, sometime in the next few weeks, I’ll have a much longer post about...

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